When a car accident leaves you with injuries, you rely on your insurance to cover the cost of your medical bills. But if your insurer denies your claim, you would have to pay out of pocket for the high expense of medical treatment. You may feel confused if you receive a denial letter.
Insurance companies may not want to pay out thousands of dollars for your medical bills. They may try to come up with excuses to deny your coverage. Here are a few reasons you may get a denied claim:
- You didn’t get treatment after the accident – If you wait too long to seek medical care, your insurer may try to deny you. Going to a doctor right away and getting documentation of your visits may help support your claim.
- You waited too long to report – New Jersey law says you must report an accident that causes injuries within 10 days. If you don’t follow proper procedures, you may find your claim denied.
- You broke the law – If the insurance company finds out you broke the law while you crashed, they may deny you. Drinking and driving, texting and driving, speeding or running a red light can all threaten your insurance claim.
- Your bills are higher than your limit – When you buy insurance, you pay for a limited amount of coverage. If your medical bills go above that, you may only receive benefits up to your limit.
These can be some more common reasons for insurers to deny you. But you may receive a denial even if you do everything right. Your provider may reject your claim because they don’t have the correct information. Or they may hope that you don’t want to go through the process of fighting for benefits.
If you do receive a denial, you should be able to appeal the decision. Asking the insurer to reconsider the decision may help you receive the benefits you need.