What Is An Ignition Interlock Device?
If you are facing DUI/DWI charges, the state may require you to install an ignition interlock device (IID) on all of your vehicles to restore your driving privileges. These devices work like a Breathalyzer to measure your blood alcohol content (BAC). If your BAC is greater than .05 percent, the vehicle will not start.
In addition to measuring your BAC, an ignition interlock device records data each time you use it. The IID company reports this data to the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC). They will also report removal of the device to the MVC.
When Do You Need An IID?
New Jersey requires an IID in the following situations:
- For a first offense with BAC of .08 percent to .15 percent, the judge may order you to have an IID for six months to one year.
- For a first offense with BAC of .15 percent or higher, IID installation is mandatory while your license is suspended and for six months to one year after it is restored.
- For a second offense within 10 years, IID installation is mandatory during license suspension and for one to three years after restoration.
Subsequent offenses will also require IID installation.
Contact Us If You Have Questions
It can be difficult to determine whether you will need an IID on your vehicle and what the penalties may be if you do not comply. You can speak with an attorney at D’Alessandro & D’Alessandro, LLC, to learn how this law applies to your DUI defense case.
Please call our Basking Ridge office at 908-766-5400 to schedule an appointment with a lawyer. You can also email us if you prefer.